International Women's Day Resource Pages

Free Resources, History and Gatherings to Celebrate Womens Day and Womens History Month

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Join us for this global gathering in celebration of women.

For all women interested in having a dance, a conversation and a prayer for honoring

the women in your life and how women historically have served your life.

How do you join?

Register here in this Course to learn all about International Womens Day

Then join us for one or both of our events this year ...

Our Complimentary

International Womens Day Zoom events tomorrow.

Friday March 8

10 am- 12 pm Mt Lunch hour Dance Ritual and Global Prayer

Kick off our first annual Dance A Thon for Global Womens Arts

Register in advance for this meeting:

Share some thoughts on how womens equality benefits us all and how we can have more strength and confidence to "choose to challenge what has become the norm with belittling women and discounting womens voices, health care and leadership and how we can help create change.

Why are we Dancing?

Good Question..

I am a somatic dance healer and feel dancing helps us to relax, destress and discover our true wisdom and questions living within. Dancing together unites us and actually taps us all into our feminine side of self which our body centered, emotional, relational, creative sides. I believe this side of us all needs to be part of every conversion equally with our focused, logical, rational, systematic, analytical sides of ourselves.

This dance will be a 15 min. shake, groove and celebrate life kind of dance. Get us all relaxed and ready for some juicy conversations. I will guide us in the moment and stretching so no one feels lost about what you should be doing.

It will be simple and fun.

The Discussion ...

- Gratitude for Women in Our Lives

- Discussion on this years theme

- How can we support each other in rising in health and empowerment to bring feminine leadership to our planet.

The Global Prayer

I will lead us in a global cocreative prayer for all women to have safety, respect and the freedom to express and create as they are called to in their communities. All voices and prayers are welcome to weave in.

We will pray and envision for this to be so as well as all men and allies of women to be safe in supporting and challenging the norm to champion the women in their lives.

This has been presented here as a class room forum

to keep ideas, resources, prayers and sharing happening here as we are inspired

I will be making posts as the year unfolds on how we can support women being more safe, heard and respected across the globe, victories, documentarist etc.

We invited your input for book lists, music, movies and resources... we will co-create a resource guide.

Once you are registered you will have access to this classroom.

I will remove anyone who is unkind, abusive, disrespectful or out of alignment with our intentions to celebrate and lift women up.


This is a Free Event and Resource.

You are welcome to make a donation if you are moved to help us carry on

with offering support and creating new resources...

good lord it takes a village! or a whole lot of time! LOL

All donations go to Paypal: [email protected]

And again this is for everyone.

All are welcome Free of Charge.

Thank you

Let us know if you have any questions

Ixeeya Lin and Friends

Your Instructor

Ixeeya Lin
Ixeeya Lin

I heard the call to gather with women over almost 20 years ago, during a very tender time of awakening. It was a time of healing the disempowered shame and abuse that I carried with me since childhood, which repeated over and over again until I was willing to notice the patterns and begin to listen and make change happen.

I began to learn about women’s culture through somatic healing, sacred dance and a personal trip to India in the late 90s.

My life unfolded from there and I was held and mentored by powerful, heart-centered, wise women.

Apprenticed in the sacred arts of the feminine through global sacred dance, womens yoga, womb healing, shamanic methods and ceremonial sacred arts training I healed. They healed me and initiated me to help other women heal too.

I learned not only how to heal, but also to turn my experiences and stories into art and inspiration that motivated me to help other women to do the same. I was blessed to tour the world sharing my art and dance, listening to women's stories.

These stories touched me so deeply, helping women and restoring the feminine became my personal mission in supporting evolution and global change.

Through 3 decades of practice and education I have developed embodied healing modalities that unlock feminine power and wisdom in women ready for these initiations. These practice have the power to return us all to a unified sense of wholeness within through movement, shamanic womb healing, bioenergetics, spiritual guidance and the expressive and ritual arts.

We dive deep into the ancient cellular memories of sacred culture, the elemental powers, chakra symbols, vocal activations, bioenergetics to unravel the abuse and trauma that keeps us trapped and small, we transform our experiences into potent wisdom, dances and divine purpose. We cheer each other on into a new beginnings, new chapters and cycles of womanhood!

We learn to live and lead with our feminine fully intact.

Welcome dear one. We are here for you. Are you ready?

If you are curious about working with me one on one please...

Sign up for my Free 30 min initial Discovery Session. From there you will get a sense of me and my work, have a chance to share your stories and questions so we can see what programs would support you best at this time.

Frequently Asked Questions

When does the course start and finish?
The course starts now and never ends! It is a completely self-paced online course - you decide when you start and when you finish.
How long do I have access to the course?
How does lifetime access sound? After enrolling, you have unlimited access to this course for as long as you like - across any and all devices you own.
What if I am unhappy with the course?
We would never want you to be unhappy! If you are unsatisfied with your purchase, contact us in the first 30 days and we will give you a full refund.

Get started now!